I think that this *could* work as a series, but it desperately needs fleshing out and critically some kind of contrast to the main Happy Boy character. The video is generally competent and well-animated, nothing wrong with the voices. The main character and elements of it are a little corny and cliché'd but there's nothing at all wrong with that if executed stylishly.
The problem I have with the video, is that the main idea doesn't really have much impact in and of itself. And I think if you rely on that sole idea, you'll quickly find the 'Happy Boy' schtick gets quite old, quite fast. I think some time needs to be taken to embellish the universe, to engage the viewer in it, and there needs to be more of a clear contrast to Happy boy for his antics and thoughts to have any punch.
Example: I think the opening shot is a poor choice. We're shown this run-down, guns blaring, windows broken school, andddd... it amounts to basically nothing. To me it seems it was simply there for the purpose of 'Hemorrhoid City' joke. Now, as I'm not 11 years old, I don't find that funny, but that's not the key point. The point is that in the sequence in which Happy Boy shows us what he would do, we're shown how he would turn the world into his nightmarish dystopian vision. However, by all accounts, as shown in the opening, their city is already a craphole. Subtle things like that undermine what you're going for. Critical points like that should not be sacrificed for throw-away jokes.
The setting and supporting characters need to provide a platform, a counter-balance for the 'maverick' style character, otherwise it's all a bit empty. It may be a better idea to shift the focus away from 'happy boy' and develop some more rounded characters for him to interact with, that or round out the Happy boy character himself.
Example 2: His introduction. We see him in silhouette form, but little attention is drawn to him, then immediately out of nowhere he launches into his tirade. Again, it doesn't have much 'shock value' when basically the first time we see him, we haven't spent much time in this universe and he goes into full flow. We need to see him beforehand, what does he do? Why is he there? What about the other kids?
You can't base a whole series on one joke. Inevitably what will happen without other rounded out characters is his antics will probably escalate and escalate. And I have no doubt you want to avoid it becoming tedious muck like 'Happy Tree Friends'.
But to end on a positive; I do think there's potential and it's well-animated. There simply aren't enough original series on here (or on the internet in general), and I'm always hoping to see a nugget of originality amidst a deluge of dull parodies. I hope this analysis is taken in the spirit of self-improvement! Wish you luck making this into a series, I'll be watching out for it.