I was disappointed. It started in an appealing way, a sort of 'Home Movies' vibe, built an atmosphere, had appealing voices and I was hoping it would go for a kind of conversational style of humor. Instead, as with a lot of videos, it built up to a singular joke and then tailed off. The video was in ruins from the 'record scratch' onwards.
There's nothing wrong with the ass-in-face joke but it's too weak a gag to base a whole video on. There could've been ten more jokes in that space of time, woven in with engaging characters and dialogue. Unfortunately, the single joke is not even funny as presented here, because too much attention is drawn to it. The joke works better in a context where other stuff is going on, and it's simply something humorous that's happening. The central concept could work as a series, but it needs actual characters and more laughs. I think you could be more ambitious with it than single gags.
Good luck with your future stuff.